Growth & Reform
One should look at the resourse allocation given to each Council, rather than how much they have... MORE
I agree that living wages need to raise in the U.K., but there some aspects of the employment... MORE
2% increase in capital required to be held by banks = 20% cut in lending by banks; no surprise... MORE
The 'right' that every person I speak to in the UK really wants is the right to opt-out from this... MORE
Police & Emergency
A good thing for people to have a... MORE
Police & Emergency
A good thing for our people to have a say on law &... MORE
Wales will lose out if budget cut
Plaid Cymru the Party of Wales MEP Jill Evans is warning of the dangers to the Welsh economy if the EU budget is cut. Research published by the Plaid MEP shows that Wales
Newcastle council forced to slash jobs and close public services
Newcastle City Council have outlined proposals to make cuts of £90m over three years - equal to £760 for every household in the...
Chief Medical Officer publishes her first annual report
This first of 2 volumes of the Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies's annual report provides a comprehensive picture of England's...
Urgent action needed to protect children from sexual exploitation
A nationwide Inquiry by the Office of the Children's Commissioner has found that 2,409 children and young people were confirmed victims of child sexual exploitation in gangs or...
Editor's Feature
Lauren Seager-Smith National CoordinatorAnti-bullying Alliance

Interview with the Anti-Bullying Alliance
Today we spoke to Lauren Seager-Smith from the Anti Bullying Alliance on the first day of anti bullying week. For more information go to the
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Re: The Climate Change Act
Given today's news that Peter Lilley is in the back pocket of a major oil company I think we should start to realise many inside the Government and...
The Climate Change Act
[b][/b] What credence should we give to media reported efforts to derail the Climate Change Act which are massively at odds with the work of the...
Re: Dining and catering within Schools
The last decade has seen improvements in all the UK regions in the school dinning environment. The quality of food, training of staff, capital...
Re: How have you reduced your carbon?
Vision 21 is an environmental sustainability charity focused on Gloucestershire. Vision 21 chairs the Cheltenham Low Carbon Partnership, which...
Re: How have you reduced your carbon?
Enfield Council adopted a 25% carbon reduction target as part of the Carbon Trust's five year Local Authority Carbon Management Programme. Our Carbon...
Re: Does it make sense to ban smoking in public places but allow smoking adjacent to hospital gates?
I think we could be in danger of becoming a nanny state when it comes to tackling smoking. I feel the smoking ban in public places is important, but...
John Marsh, Metropolitan Infrastructure Limited
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Mike Jones, Leader of the LGA environmental and housing board
Cllr Andrew Fender, Chair, Transport for Greater Manchester Committee
Hugh Sumner, Director of Transport, ODA
Dr Keith Bevis, Managing Director, EValu8 Transport Innovations Ltd
Time for an EU Homelessness Strategy
It is getting colder all over Europe and reports of homeless people freezing to death have already come from several Member
Households miss out on help with boilers and fuel bills
TV presenter and broadcaster Fiona Phillips is backing a campaign to encourage people to call a free helpline to find out if they are entitled to help with their energy costs,...
Stats reveal ballot spoiling could be highest ever in UK election
Dr Alan Renwick is an election expert from the University of Reading's School of Politics and International Relations and is a published author on the subject of electoral...
Tube strike staff fight for pensions justice
A new wave of tube strike action on London Underground will kick off on Friday in a long-running dispute over equality and a fair deal on pensions and passes for Tube Lines...
Editor's Feature
Caroline Davey Director of policyGingerbread

Struggling to make ends meet
In just a few weeks the Chancellor will make his autumn statement, announcing key details about how the new system of benefits and tax credits will operate when it is introduced...
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