UK Public Health News
Ban on smoking in cars with kids
MPs came out in force to protect children's health by voting massively in favour of legislation to enable a ban on smoking in cars carrying... -
Families need support to help tackle child obesity time-bomb
Local authorities and the NHS should do more to support families to help them tackle the time-bomb of obesity in...
Kidney cancer on the rise
New Be Clear on Cancer campaign launched to increase early diagnoses and save... -
37,000 lives could be saved each year just by walking
Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Support launch Walking Works –calling for action to combat physical...
Lung cancer rates rising amongst women, yet falling in men
Smokers urged to join the Stoptober... -
Survey finds 27% of 5 year olds have tooth decay
'National Dental Epidemiology Programme for England, oral health survey of 5 year old children 2012' study on the prevalence and...
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Re: The Debate on Hydraulic Fracturing for Gas in the UK
Q1. Anyone who thinks that relying on Russia, which provides a quarter of Europe's natural gas, half of it through the Ukraine is not a serious...
Re: The Debate on Hydraulic Fracturing for Gas in the UK
There are many myths and misinformation given out about fracking. Myth 1: it will lead to more jobs. No it will not. Any jobs will be from...
Re: Trustee training essential or a luxury?
Training – 1. Board self-assessment to identify skill gaps and trustee profile gaps 2. Trustee recruitment – methods and services...
Re: Chlamydia do 1 in 10 women have this Silent Infection?
Services acknowledge that 15-24 year olds are the target group for chlamydia screening. But services also need access to advice, guidance and skills...
Re: Chlamydia do 1 in 10 women have this Silent Infection?
We all hoped schools would find a way to encourage young people to use condoms to protect themselves from STIs. There has been some research...
Re: Are Pharmacies a valuable partner in the fight against Obesity?
Pharmacies may be an important asset in supporting overweight clients however without seeing any programme in progress I can not say whether they...
Carers Trust round table debate
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Interview: David Philp, Head of BIM, Cabinet Office
- Interview: Graham Moir, Consultant Surgeon, Barts and London NHS Trust
- Interview: Professor Colin Gray, Academic Director, University of Reading
- Interview: David Leaper, Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Newcastle University
- Interview: Martin Wakeley, Deputy Managing Director, North West London CSU
Editor's Feature
Magnus Scheving Children's Health Ambassador

Interview with Magnus Scheving, star of LazyTown and children's health ambassador
Anyone who has watched their kids at a playground or park will know that most are naturally active and love nothing more than running around and playing. However, most of us...
>> Full article