Higher Education
They can emigrate like those in other countries.They can take their leftie views with... MORE
Growth & Reform
I feel sick to my stomach about the way our elected representatives are dismissing the genuine... MORE
Growth & Reform
How about some facts rather then factoids. I have just read the "499 complaints link" and they are... MORE
Natural Environment
... MORE
Housing & Planning
Housing benefit being paid to landlords for substandard ie below lettable standard.What if anything... MORE
There are some TED talks by Sir Ken Robinson (former British government advisor on education) that... MORE
Cameron: losing Scotland would rip rug from under us
Scotland becoming independent would "rip the rug" from under the United Kingdom's reputation, David Cameron will say
Call for 'relentless focus' on building new homes
The incoming president of the Chartered Institute of Housing has challenged politicians to work more closely with housing professionals to develop effective, long-term solutions...
Bombardier wins £1bn contract to build Crossrail trains
The intention to award a contract to deliver rolling stock and a new depot for Crossrail with a capital value of around £1bn to Bombardier has been announced today by Transport...
‘It just shouldn’t be there’: MP condemns fracking site
A potential fracking site in Greater Manchester is "manifestly unsuitable" and drilling there is causing "absolutely huge inconvenience" to residents and businesses, the local...
Editor's Feature
Simon Bradley Frack Free Greater Manchester

Stringer's argument is 'poorly researched, unscientific and out of touch
It's always heartening to see one of our elected representatives stand up for something they believe in. But when their pseudo-scientific arguments fail to grasp what matters to...
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Re: Are Staff as important as patients?
Between 600,000 and 1 million people in the UK catch norovirus every year, although only a fraction of cases are confirmed by laboratory...
Re: Defeating Dementia Through Research
The Dementia Services Development Centre is worth a look. I'm not sure there is a database as such, but new features due to be launched soon on the...
Re: Defeating Dementia Through Research
If there is a database of different prctical approaches and their outcomes I'd be very interested in knowing about...
Re: Are Staff as important as patients?
In my opinion, asking the question, is the staff as important as the patient, made me think of an analogy. As crazy as it may sound, I thought of my...
Re: The Debate on Hydraulic Fracturing for Gas in the UK
Here are a few pros and cons. Fracking: Pros 1) It will undoubtedly make a few people very rich when the presumed fall in wholesale price leads to...
The Debate on Hydraulic Fracturing for Gas in the UK
Can fracking contribute significantly to the UK's energy security and reduce the reliance on imported gas as the country moves to a low carbon...
Interview: Derek Lickorish MBE, Chairman, Fuel Poverty Advisory Group
More info
Less info
Interview: Jane Forshaw, Director of Environment, Cardiff City Council
Interview: Dr Sheldon Stone, Senior Lecturer, UCL Medical School
Interview: Thea Stein, CEO, Carers Trust
Interview: Professor Dame Julia King, Vice Chancellor, Aston University
More Public Sector News and Government News
Scotland must tackle poverty among workless families
Scotland must get to grips with poverty among workless families if it is to reduce child poverty, according to a new report by the New Policy Institute for the Joseph Rowntree
Teachers encouraged to use traditional punishments
Teachers are being encouraged to enforce discipline in classrooms by using traditional punishments – such as writing lines, picking up litter and running around the school...
Poor forecasting an 'entrenched problem' in government
Poor forecasting by government departments is an entrenched problem, leading to poor value for money and increased costs for the taxpayer, according to a report today by the...
Police force figures on rape made public for first time
Police data on the number of rapes recorded by 43 police forces, and the outcomes, are published together for the first time...
Editor's Feature
Joe Levenson Director of CommunicationsNational Council for Palliative Care (NCPC)

Why are we failing to support bereaved people?
Every minute someone in Britain dies, and almost half of us say we've been bereaved in the last five years. Yet society's response before and after a death often falls short,...
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