How many schools actually know and can evidence the impact of there Pupil Premium spend? We use a... MORE
Housing & Planning
I think this initiative is to be welcomed but it's unclear if this mindset will be applied to new... MORE
Police & Emergency
Interesting, but we should be basing policy on "road fear" as well as collision statistics. Road... MORE
Police & Emergency
We urgently need our Police Forces to help change the culture of speed in this Country. You are the... MORE
Police & Emergency
The HSE manage hazards by a reporting policy that embraces all dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR) and... MORE
Police & Emergency
Your foreword says "The police service is committed to preventing and reducing the loss of life or... MORE
More NHS organisations are struggling financially
NHS finances are healthy overall, but a growing number of organisations are in deficit, a new Audit Commission report says
Economic Freedom in UK sinks to historic low
The UK is ranked 12th out of 144 countries included in the Economic Freedom of the World: 2012 Annual Report, released today by the Fraser Institute in conjunction with the...
Youth unemployment: Government package not enough on its own
In a report published today, the Work and Pensions Committee concludes that the Government’s Youth Contract is a good...
Michael Goves sets out Key Stage 4 exam reforms
Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education, has set out his proposals to reform the Key Stage 4 exam...
Editor's Feature
Dr Christopher Arnold Senior Educational PsychologistSandwell Council
What puts a child most at risk of future unemployment?
Dr Christopher Arnold talks about the success of an early intervention strategy implemented in Sandwell to reduce NEETs and explains why work must begin in schools to boost...
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Re: heating and weather
To expand on my previous post a little... the majority of energy use in a building is a function of the weather (ie energy for heating), if you...
UK leads the way in innovative HCAI strategy
Sheffield General Hospital, Trafford General Hospital and Craigavon Area Hospital are among many healthcare facilities worldwide taking advantage of...
Re: Sustainable Transport in your area
First, some wider background for the rationale of the LSTF projects in In South Hampshire which Eastleigh are involved in: The LSTF bid was...
Re: Sustainable Transport in your area
Eastleigh Borough Council as part of Transport for South Hampshire (TfSH) is starting to benefit from both LSTF funding and BBAF funding bid wins in...
Presentation to MP's about Small Wind
On 26th April 2012 Sykamore Small Wind presented to MP’s in the House of Commons about the merits of Small Wind. This is what we had to...
Should NICE make all the decisions?
Many delegates have asked the question, should it be left to NICE to make all the commissioning decisions regarding substance and alcohol treatment...
Tobin Stephenson, Better Utilisation of Property Assets (BUPA) Programme Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council
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Dr Steve Davies, Education Director, The IEA
Karen Jennings, Assistant General Secretary, UNISON
Professor Steve Albon Co-Chair, UK National Ecosystem Assessment & The James Hutton Institute
Professor Sir John Lawton Chair, Lawton Report, `Making Space for Nature` Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
Homeless families in B&Bs; rise by nearly 50% in 2012
The number of homeless families living in temporary bed and breakfast (B&B) accommodation has risen by almost half in the first few months of
Growth and finance remain elusive for small firms
Challenging domestic conditions, access to finance and weak consumer demand are taking their toll on the optimism of small firms according to the latest data from the Federation...
Wales must close broadband gap
In a report released today, Monday 17 September 2012, the Commons Welsh Affairs Committee says the UK and Welsh Governments must work together and use all means available to...
Leading mental health organisations welcome MP vote
Leading mental health organisations have come together today to applaud MPs for voting through legislation to scrap outdated laws that discriminate against people with mental...
Editor's Feature
Caroline Davey Director of policyGingerbread
Creating a fair society
Today, one in five single parents in full-time work is bringing up their family in poverty. But new research from Gingerbread shows that government measures intended to help the...
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