• Public Health 2013: – Achieving Positive Health Outcomes
  • Social Care 2013: – Creating a person-centred system
  • NHS Sustainable Development 2013: Delivering a Sustainable Health System

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Recent Comments
  • Public Health

    Little biased there in the headline, aren't we? You could just as well - and more justifiably -... MORE

  • Adults & Children

    I live in a 3bed house.if I move to a 2 bed (I have a 14year old) the rent would be £6 per wk... MORE

  • Rail

    What's the old adage - prior planning prevents p*ss poor performance? Network Rail is too intent on... MORE

  • Children & Young People

    Well said Neil, I believe you have summed up the major concerns many within early years have over... MORE

  • Children & Young People

    You have spoken out loud the thoughts of many Neil, including myself. Indeed many have and are... MORE

  • Children & Young People

    Hear Hear Neil.It does all appear to be pre-determined and the government aren't really even paying... MORE

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Public Health 2013 - The redesigned health service