UK Road News
Auto industry seeks long-term strategic support from Chancellor
As the Chancellor of the Exchequer considers the next Spending Round, the UK automotive industry has called for... -
Nation's roads at the mercy of the weather
Swathes of Britain's local road network could become unusable should there be more flooding or another severe winter this year,...
ACEA welcomes life-saving eCall proposal
The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) welcomes the legislative proposal on eCall published by the European... -
Collaboration is essential to the long-term success of UK automotive
Industry must work together and adopt a cohesive education strategy to secure and develop the skills needed...
Regular parking fines show ‘policy failure’ says FTA
The high and sustained levels of parking fines on delivery vehicles in London are a sign of policy failure rather than... -
Drink drive and lose your car
Two thirds of UK drivers would be devastated if they lost their car according to figures published today (6 June 2013) as Road Safety Minister...
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Re: How have you reduced your carbon?
Re: Sustainability projects an investment or a cost?
This has been part of the Connected Programme implemented in the City. The Connected Programme is the branded title for the Local Sustainable...
Is there a North South Divide?
Londoners are being allocated more money per head on transport spending than all of the other regions combined according to new analysis from the...
Re: Food Heaven or Hell?
" Senior NHS managers have heads in sands" comes to mind!! despite poor publicity Trusts are still not meeting the patient needs, horrific stories of...
Re: Food Heaven or Hell?
The real question is "how does this happen?" We see good examples of team working and holistic care. We both hear and believe in the mantra...
Re: We need to change we need to talk - Better smarter travel choices are not optional.
Here at Cambridgeshire we are involved in reducing car use on the school run; through promoting walking, busses, scooter and bike trains, car share,...
Professor David Walker, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, the Department of Health
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Dr Danilo Lo Fo Wong, Senior Adviser, Antimicrobial Resistance, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Ros Wade, Chair, LRC of Expertise for Education for Sustainable Development
Andrew Parkin, Partner at Cundall Acoustics
Amy Cameron, Solar Schools Co-Ordinator, 10:10
Editor's Feature
Rhian Kelly Director, Business EnvironmentCBI
Bold Thinking – a model to fund our future roads
The CBI's message to the Government on infrastructure is clear: UK businesses competing for global capital must be supported by world-class domestic...
>> Full article