UK Regulation News
Banning zero hours contracts: "misguided and extremely damaging" - says IoD
Alexander Ehmann, Head of Regulatory Policy at the Institute of Directors... -
New fees for harassment and abuse claims is great news for Britain's worst bosses
The TUC has today slammed new laws that will force employees to pay upfront fees if they want to...
Fake summer wine warnings issued
Shoppers looking to pick up a cheap bottle of plonk this summer are being warned about how to easily spot potentially dangerous fake... -
The Co-op calls for lads' mags to cover up
The Co-operative Retail Trading Group has requested publishers of lads' mags to put them in sealed modesty bags or they will be...
Hundreds of claims firms close following fee ban
The latest figures show that the number of claims management companies registered to handle... -
A million more workers saving for their retirement
The Pensions Regulator has confirmed that the millionth worker has been automatically enrolled into a workplace...
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Re: We need to change we need to talk - Better smarter travel choices are not optional.
Having updated transport information aimed at staff on the College’s intranet, the College has collated similar information, presented in a...
“Please can you help, is there a standard set for the specification of windows in the mental healthcare sector, if so what are the key...
Gardeners or Nurses is it a choice?
A recent study from University of Exeter shows that gardens and green spaces in urban areas can improve the wellbeing and quality of life. Sounds a...
Re: What areas should we invest our cash in to improve the health outcomes of the nation?
Investment in mental health service provision has to match the demands/needs of the present (and future) population if the phrase 'there's no health...
Whole room decontamination when is it safe?
When carrying out whole room environmental and surface disinfection how do you know it's safe to go back into a treated area and how do you know it's...
Re: We need to change we need to talk - Better smarter travel choices are not optional.
The Blackburn with Darwen CONNECT project is a comprehensive ‘smarter choices’ campaign combined with the provision of improved walking, cycling...
Professor David Walker, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, the Department of Health
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Dr Danilo Lo Fo Wong, Senior Adviser, Antimicrobial Resistance, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Ros Wade, Chair, LRC of Expertise for Education for Sustainable Development
Andrew Parkin, Partner at Cundall Acoustics
Amy Cameron, Solar Schools Co-Ordinator, 10:10
Editor's Feature
Alan Downey UK Head of Public SectorKPMG
Social Value Act - both suppliers and purchasers must step up to the plate
It will have passed most people by that last week saw the coming into force of the Social Value Act. However, for a small number of interested parties, this was a significant...
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