UK Economy News
UK jobs market 'saw record growth in February'
The UK jobs market saw record growth in February, Reed's latest job index has shown, indicating that more career development... -
Retail shows signs of improvement
UK retail sales values were up 2.7% on a like-for-like basis from February 2012, when they were down 0.3% on the preceding year. On a total...
Statistics on Funding for Lending scheme deeply disappointing figures
Ed Balls MP, Labour's Shadow Chancellor, responding to Bank of England statistics on the Funding for Lending... -
Credit rating downgrade is a humiliating blow to the Prime Minister and Chancellor
Ed Balls MP, Labour's Shadow Chancellor, responding to tonight's credit rating downgrade by...
Report changes, tax credit claimants told
Tax credits claimants are reminded by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) today to report changes in their circumstances - or they may receive... -
European Council calls for enhanced EIB advisory role
In its conclusions from the 2014-2020 EU Multiannual Financial Framework budget negotiations, the European Council concluded...
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Re: What is needed from housing and social care providers?
Having worked for many years in traditional community Occupational Therapy, I am currently managing a small team of OTs working for a large social...
Re: What areas should we invest our cash in to improve the health outcomes of the nation?
In my view, to improve the health outcomes of the nation, I would like to suggest the following: -that more resources are invested into Learning...
Re: Is Solar Power Finished?
At Canterbury College we have installed a 20kW PV Solar Panel system on our latest teaching block which is under construction ready for curriculum...
Physical education and physical activity – combatting the cultural shift
In a recent article ‘UK sport chief: PE is not just a game’ (1), Baroness Campbell outlined a core challenge for primary schools in finding PE...
Re: provision of food in the NHS- need to be more valued and sustainable
Well done Mike form putting all this into words I could not agree more with everything you have said when will there be more action to improve this...
Re: What areas should we invest our cash in to improve the health outcomes of the nation?
What areas should we invest our cash in to improve the health outcomes of the nation? • Invest in raising the public's awareness on healthy...
Dr Randall Bowen, Head of Business Development for EPPs, British Gas
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Trevor Payne, Director of Estates and Facilities, Barts Health NHS Trust
Graeme Moir, Consultant Surgeon, Barts and the London NHS Trust
Martin Kiernan, Infection Prevention Consultant, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust
Richard Rugg, Managing Director, Public Service Advice, Carbon Trust