UK Staff Management News
More employees receiving a better occupational health service
Figures from the Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service (SEQOHS) team show that occupational health (OH)... -
Patients Association highlights 'appalling' NHS care
The Patients Association has today published its fourth annual 'Patient Stories' report – a series of case studies...
NHS sleepwalking into crisis, warns RCN
The Royal College of Nursing today warned that that the NHS in England is sleepwalking into a crisis and is calling on the Government to... -
Making NHS more accountable
Andy Burnham MP, Labour's Shadow Health Secretary, responding to the announcement that doctors will face regular assessment and revalidation,...
New checks for doctors in world first patient safety boost
Doctors in the UK are to become the first in the world to have regular assessments to ensure that their training and... -
Pay freeze not the answer to NHS challenges
Commenting on NHS Employers' submission to the review body on doctors' pay, Dr Mark Porter, Chair of Council at the BMA,...
Contribute to our discussion forum
Re: Mainstreaming sustainability across the NHS
Very helpful to hear of your organisation and your ideas for the NHS, particularly engaging medical students. I work for a social work organisation...
Re: Mainstreaming sustainability across the NHS
What I feel needs to be done, is to relate every initiative and success to the benefit it brings to our most important stakeholder ‘the patient’,...
What are we looking for?
Dear Users, Govtoday is proud to be supporting the "A world you like, with a climate you like" campaign on behalf of the European Commission. As...
Re: What is needed from housing and social care providers?
I believe that Social Housing and social provision should recognise the first word of the phrase more. The provision of housing is relatively easy in...
Re: Proof of sustainable waste disposal, a reality or is it all rubbish?
As of yet we do not place any specific requirements on our waste contractors that align with our sustainability targets, however that is something...
David Cameron announces Dementia Champions on every NHS Ward
David Cameron announced on Friday 4 January 2013, a new set of care quality measures which aim to drive up the quality of care experienced by people...
Richard Rugg, Managing Director, Public Service Advice, Carbon Trust
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- Dr Richard Miller, Head of Sustainability, Technology Strategy Board
- John Marsh, Metropolitan Infrastructure Limited
- Mike Jones, Leader of the LGA environmental and housing board
- Cllr Andrew Fender, Chair, Transport for Greater Manchester Committee