UK Social Care News
Early years education series: the foundations of health and childcare
In the fourth part of our early-years education series Rosie Renshaw looks at how brain development and... -
Dear Mr Cameron...
Carers Trust, the largest charity for carers, welcomed the announcement of an increase in funding for dementia research at the recent G8 Dementia Summit....
Jeremy Hunt's Introduction to G8 Dementia
It is fantastic to see you all here today for the world's first G8 Dementia Summit. And it is right we should be here. As life... -
G8 dementia: PM calls for UK to lead world in research
The Prime Minister will announce the UK has now attracted £2 billion in private sector investment in life sciences since...
Is the UK really the best at care for disabled people?
The DWP claims the UK is the world leader in support of disabled people, our spending on disability services being a fifth... -
Are we really world leaders in disability support?
The Department of Work and Pensions states that independent reports show that we are world leaders in support of disabled...
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Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
Issues that require addressing in order to properly tackle growing levels of Fuel Poverty include: • OFGEM and DECC reviewing the eligibility for...
Re: The use of Silver-containing dressings
Richard I was reading a report below carried out in America and I was interested if in your experience you feel silver would be potentially useful if...
Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
Addressing fuel poverty is an issue that cannot be addressed by any one single organisation and as a council we believe working in partnership has...
Re: How important is patient dignity in improving patient care?
The NHS Constitution set out that patients can expect to be treated with dignity and respect in accordance with their human rights but there are...
Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
In Leicestershire, we are currently running the 4 Ways to Warmth campaign. One aspect of this campaign is for Warm Homes Officers in each district in...
Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
The Office for National Statistics recently published the figures for excess winter deaths (EWD)for 2012-13 which have now jumped up drastically to...
Interview with Derek Lickorish MBE
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Interview: Jane Forshaw, director of environment, Cardiff City Council
Interview: Dr Sheldon Stone, UCL Medical School
Interview: Thea Stein, Carers Trust
Professor Dame Julia King
Editor's Feature
Rosie Renshaw Training & Marketing ExecutiveGroBrain

Early years education series: the foundations of health and childcare
In the fourth part of our early-years education series Rosie Renshaw looks at how brain development and reducing stress levels could affect a child's progress in...
>> Full article