UK Natural Environment News
Fracking: The debate between fact and illusion
Feelings are running high amongst anti fracking protestors at Barton Moss. Sixteen have been arrested since they set up camp there,... -
200 hectares of Wales' largest ancient forest to be felled due to tree disease
Presence of Phytophthora ramorum highlights need for resilient woodland across UK as Woodland Trust...
Foreign Secretary welcomes UN IPCC report on Climate Change
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its latest assessment of climate... -
Scotland’s seabirds in need of ‘lifeline’ after difficult breeding season
RSPB Scotland is warning that some of Scotland's globally important seabird colonies could become...
Nature’s distress call is getting louder, new report to show
Gland, Switzerland – Governments will gather this week in Stockholm to consider the final text for the latest... -
Badger cull - piloting controls on bovine TB
On 27 August the National Farmers Union announced that pilot badger culls have started to help bring bovine TB under control. These...
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Re: Have you seen the light?
Soccarena is an indoor football centre with 8 indoor six a side pitches, an amenity block housing a Bar, office, conference room and changing...
Staff engagement is key to improving NHS patient experience
The NHS Constitution lays out the value of staff engagement: ‘Engage staff in decisions that affect them and the services they provide… all staff...
Defeating Dementia Through Research
A key component of the Dementia Challenge, research is gaining an increasing profile, and with it a hope that more effective treatments for...
Embedding the culture of continuous improvement as 'business as usual'
Phrases such as transformation and continuous improvement (CI) are appearing more and more in the rhetoric of government and the wider public sector....
Disruptive and Sustained Innovation
In today's ever changing marketplace, efficiency is constantly being sought within the public sector and innovation is often stated as the key to...
Re: Are Staff as important as patients?
The focus in all healthcare establishments is predominantly patient focussed but without adequate staff support, patient care will inevitably suffer....
Interview with Derek Lickorish MBE
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Interview: Jane Forshaw, director of environment, Cardiff City Council
Interview: Dr Sheldon Stone, UCL Medical School
Interview: Thea Stein, Carers Trust
Professor Dame Julia King
Editor's Feature
Graham Stringer MP

Fracking: The debate between fact and illusion
Feelings are running high amongst anti fracking protestors at Barton Moss. Sixteen have been arrested since they set up camp there, seven weeks ago. They are angry that energy...
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