UK Housing & Planning News
Housing 'substandard' in private rented sector
More public money than ever before is being spent housing people in privately rented homes that are in poor condition, according to... -
Housing costs push family budgets to 'breaking point'
One in 11 people in Britain fear they won't be able to afford their rent or mortgage at the end of this month, according to...
Help to Buy loans to reach £1bn, government says
Close to 750 homes have been purchased under the Help to Buy scheme since its launch in October – while more than 6,000 people... -
Millions of pounds still available in housing fund
Tens of millions of pounds specifically ring-fenced to help people adapt to welfare reforms this year is still available...
Miliband 'to back home builders and first time buyers'
Ed Miliband will today declare that a One Nation Labour Government will back home builders and first time buyers - by... -
'Distorted' recovery pushing people onto housing benefit
England may finally be emerging from recession but the recovery is distorted and leaves the country with two broken...
Contribute to our discussion forum
Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
Issues that require addressing in order to properly tackle growing levels of Fuel Poverty include: • OFGEM and DECC reviewing the eligibility for...
Re: The use of Silver-containing dressings
Richard I was reading a report below carried out in America and I was interested if in your experience you feel silver would be potentially useful if...
Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
Addressing fuel poverty is an issue that cannot be addressed by any one single organisation and as a council we believe working in partnership has...
Re: How important is patient dignity in improving patient care?
The NHS Constitution set out that patients can expect to be treated with dignity and respect in accordance with their human rights but there are...
Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
In Leicestershire, we are currently running the 4 Ways to Warmth campaign. One aspect of this campaign is for Warm Homes Officers in each district in...
Re: Fuel poverty =24,000 deaths last year. Are you an observer or part of the solution this year?
The Office for National Statistics recently published the figures for excess winter deaths (EWD)for 2012-13 which have now jumped up drastically to...
Interview with Derek Lickorish MBE
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Interview: Jane Forshaw, director of environment, Cardiff City Council
Interview: Dr Sheldon Stone, UCL Medical School
Interview: Thea Stein, Carers Trust
Professor Dame Julia King
Editor's Feature
Matt Knight Head of AssuranceEnergy Saving Trust UK
Lean on me to build Green Deal confidence, says Energy Saving Trust
Matt Knight is Head of Assurance at the Energy Saving Trust. Here he talks about new research findings which show the importance of building trust between tradesmen and the...
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