UK Children & Young People News
Almost £0.5 billion investment in grassroots sport
Sport England today announced a £493 million four-year investment to keep the inspiration of London 2012... -
This Tory-led Government have hit parents with a triple whammy on childcare
Sharon Hodgson MP, Labour's Shadow Children's Minister, commenting on the report from London Councils...
Youth Sport Trust legacy launches at global conference
John Steele, the Youth Sport Trust's Chief Executive Officer, takes to the stage at the global sports conference Doha Goals... -
More than 90% of children say they have been bullied, or seen someone be bullied, for being intelligent or talented - according to figures released today by the...
School teachers and parents struggling to give careers advice
School teachers and parents are struggling to give the right advice to prepare young people for the world of... -
Call to reform UK apprenticeship scheme
A group of MPs have called for the National Apprenticeship Scheme (NAS) to be reformed so that it remains relevant in the current...
Contribute to our discussion forum
Re: Does it make sense to ban smoking in public places but allow smoking adjacent to hospital gates?
In my view smoking should be banned from hospital sites and in the near perimeter to the site, this displays a strong stance from health care...
Should we have a regulated qualification for dementia care workers
In 2011, I was privileged to be commissioned to develop the national dementia training qualification structure (QCF) and had high hopes that this...
Reducing SSI's new ideas or no idea?
Is it simply just a case of keep doing the same old things but better? OR Do we have exciting ideas we need to...
Waterborne Superbug kills premature baby and infects 12 more in hospital ICU
Dear users, delegates and guests how do we make sure this never happens...
Re: What is needed from housing and social care providers?
Professional organisations should view clients as assets who have many skills and experiences that can enrich their communities. By being creative...
Re: Does it make sense to ban smoking in public places but allow smoking adjacent to hospital gates?
Smoking outside secondary care settings should absolutely be discouraged and staff should not be seen to be smoking in these areas as the message...
Richard Rugg, Managing Director, Public Service Advice, Carbon Trust
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Dr Richard Miller, Head of Sustainability, Technology Strategy Board
John Marsh, Metropolitan Infrastructure Limited
Mike Jones, Leader of the LGA environmental and housing board
Cllr Andrew Fender, Chair, Transport for Greater Manchester Committee